Thursday, April 26, 2012

Can you SLI a evga GTX560 (non ti) 1GB and a evga GTX560 (non ti) 2GB graphics card?

hi no one will answer me with this question but here we go i have a evga (non ti) GTX560 1GB iv just seen a new evga release of the GTX560 (non ti) but its a 2GB version would i be able to SLI them if i was to buy it please reply back thanks|||Yes you will. So long as it is the same chip, it will work. You could put any GTX 560 with any other GTX 560, even if it is from another manufacturer or has different factory clock speeds.

However, what you will find is you probably won't have 3GB total VRAM, and the reason is in order for SLI to work, the cards must be identical. This means the same chip, the same amount of memory and the same clocks, so you would have just 2GB video memory, 1GB for each card. Video memory only helps with higher resolution applications though, and 2GB is plenty, even for HD gaming or gaming across multiple monitors at high resolutions.

But wait, I said earlier: "You could put any GTX 560 with any other GTX 560, even if it is from another manufacturer or has different factory clock speeds".

What it would do if one has higher clocks is underclock the one with the higher clocks to the speeds of the slower card. This is because that way both will be stable for sure, and you won't lose warranty or damage the other, lower clocked card

Make sure your power supply is able to handle 2 cards though as well

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